Growing From Strength To Strength for Special Children

19th February 2018


Children with ADHD:

Children with special needs, having ADHD face difficulties with paying attention, have impulsive behaviour and are often over-active in their day to day life. These children find it hard to manage their immediate reactions and frequently act impulsively without thinking.

Children with impaired attention change their activities often without finishing what they are doing. They may constantly interrupt, intrude on others, and have difficulty taking turns in games or conversation.  Children with this subtype are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. 

Dealing with ADHD children with specialized training:

An ADHD training program in India enables the teachers to understand the capabilities and potentials of these special children use ways and methods to realise them. These pieces of training allow the educators to set goals and maintain focus, screen out distractions, check our progress and regulate feelings.

They are necessary for directing the actions and controlling the emotions of these special children. The most common difficulties are with sustaining attention and managing impulsive reactions. Children with ADHD and autism have difficulties with executive functioning and they often experience difficulty at school and in social situations. These programs train educators in the following:

  1. Getting to know the individual student and be mindful of his or her uniqueness.
  2. Allows physical activity & by giving frequent breaks incorporate movement activities into a lesson.
  3. Divide large assignments into small segments & give them small breaks.
  4. Allow the student to be in charge of letting them do activities in the classroom.
  5. Recognize and praise aloud all good behaviours. Be specific about what the student is doing correctly.

Children with Autism:

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have challenges with communication and social interaction skills and exhibit repetitive behaviours.

Autism training courses in India enables the teachers to understand the capabilities and potentials of the learners suffering from Autism and then use ways and methods to realise them.

Like any other student in your class, each student with autism is different from the other. Each student has their own way of seeing the world, which makes each student with autism unique.

Creating predictable routines in the classroom gives students confidence, independence and reduces anxiety. By using visual schedules can also assist with successful transitions between activities.

Research shows that children with autism have visual strengths. As an educator with Autism training courses in India, make use of visual strategies to improve their understanding and positive interactions with learning.

Children with autism need support in social situations and by creating communicating opportunities will help them in interaction. Sometimes children with autism have anxiety or do not know the expectations in a social situation such as coming to school, going to the doctor, or going to a restaurant. Social stories can help prepare them for the expectations and get them familiar with an upcoming situation.