Role of ADHD Training Programs in India to Improve a Childs Performance

9th August 2018


It's not possible for a teacher to deploy a universal teaching strategy for every child present in a classroom. Especially when dealing with the semi-rural or rural class-settings, prior to the lack of capital for infrastructural developments. Well, that’s because of the ability to learn and cope up usually varies from child to child. A teacher often comes across issues like a child or a handful of children suffering from a hyperactive disorder or low attention seeking disorder in a classroom. Most of the ADHD training programs offered in India train a teacher to deal with situations in a professional way.

Let’s see how:

Understanding the problem of a child from his/her perspective

We all have seen that in our childhood there was always a child or a few children in our class whom the teachers used to punish for not answering the questions that they were asked. The teachers used to treat them as ‘dull’, ‘unresponsive’ & underperformers. It’s a quite pity that often parents used to scold and beat them post to their underperformance in school. But, a teacher trained with ADHD training perspective of a child before considering him ‘odd’ or ‘dull’ for his / her performances. It also helps a tutor to understand a child’s mind on a first hand basis to know and mark the problems that the child is suffering from. Once that is interpreted it becomes easy for an ADHD trained teacher to improve the class performance of a child.

Teaching special children with the cognitive learning method

Most of the special children those who are detected with attention seeking disorder or hyperactive disorder are often seen that they are unable to concentrate properly whenever they are taught in class. Especially when they are asked to open up their mathematical textbooks, they start sweating and some might start fidgeting, considering mathematics and numerology like a giant. To make their learning process more interesting and entertaining, ADHD trained teachers always initiate a playful method for teaching them maths.

Say for e.g. the teacher might break a piece of chalk or take out a few candies from her bag and ask the children to count how many of them are in number. Whoever can count it properly gets the candy. Often such techniques work like a magic. Survey says that ADHD trained teachers are much front successful in teaching children with special needs than the teachers those who lack such training. As one such program always help a child to improve his or her performance suffering from attention deficit disorder.

Controlling hyperactive children becomes easy

Using a playful interactive learning approach is equally beneficial for the children those who are hyperactive. Often the hyperactive children are unable to sit at one place and frequently they roam throughout the class when a teacher is teaching. Few teachers reciprocate to one such situation in a furious way. Some might even think to pick a stick to run after him/her. But ADHD training programs in India have a different approach to deal with such children. In this course, every aspiring teacher is being taught to some basic techniques to deal with a hyperactive child in a classroom. Say for e.g., if a child is hyperactive and a teacher is seeing that the child is not listening to the lesson she/he is teaching in the class, the best way is to lure the child in a smart way. The teacher can announce whoever answers her question gets a ‘mickey mouse badge’ or a ‘candy’. She might also lure the child by saying that she/he won’t teach in her next class, rather play some interactive games with the children.

ADHD training skills often enable a teacher to assure that every underperformer performs in such a way that the child can no longer be considered within an isolated category of special children, deviating it from the mainstream anymore.